Herpetofauna of Europe : corfu - greece (april 2022)
Herpetofauna of Europe European Amphibians & Reptiles

A not-so-herpetological trip to Corfu (Greece)
April 10th – 17th 2022

Unless specified otherwise, all pictures (c) of Jeroen Speybroeck.

Gwen and I set out on our first trip together. We mainly spent our days hiking and exploring this diverse and gorgeous island. I cut back on dedicated herping (and nearly entirely on herp photography), yet still got some nice finds. A destination definitely worth revisiting.

main sites of observation, accommodation & swimming

It was fascinating to see how highly abundant Dalmatian Algyroides Algyroides nigropunctatus can be without climbing wall lizards in the way. The season may have been still a bit early for snakes, but a striped Leopard Snake Zamenis situla is always a treat, especially when found within half an hour together with three Balkan Whip Snakes Hierophis gemonensis and a (very ugly) Nose-horned Viper Vipera ammodytes. Furthermore snake-wise, some usual suspects, including two unstoppable Dahl's Whip Snakes Platyceps najadum and six Worm Snakes Xerotyphlops vermicularis under a single stone.

Dalmatian Algyroides Algyroides nigropunctatus

Dalmatian Algyroides Algyroides nigropunctatus

Dalmatian Algyroides Algyroides nigropunctatus

girl meets worm – Glass Lizard Pseudopus apodus

Balkan Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata

2x Starred Agama Laudakia stellio

Eastern Green Lizard Lacerta viridis

European Pond Terrapin Emys orbicularis

Gwen falling for Hermann’s Tortoise Testudo hermanni

Leopard Snake Zamenis situla

Leopard Snake Zamenis situla

fun with 6 Worm Snakes Xerotyphlops vermicularis

Species list

Site content and pictures (c) of Jeroen Speybroeck, unless specified otherwise.
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Last update: February 01, 2023 12:10:22